The only thing missing from it is the Busycle that will be traveling with us from SF to Boston in the 8th annual national Mayors' Ride. But it does show Don Armstrong, the man who owns one of the longest lived businesses in Palo Alto, CA - Park Automotive Services. You can also see some of's handiwork, our url on the Bus. If you want to get on the Bus with us, whether you want to sponsor a day ($200 - the real cost for fuel, food and our driver will be $260, not to mention insurance, tolls, maintenance, and the fixed asset costs, etc) or buy a five foot panel or ..., shoot me an email at and I can forward our rate card.
As well, do note that Don is standing there with Jim Spillane's Eagle HiWheel. And that machine is only back on the road thanks to the heroics of Busycle mechanic Jeff Kistler and Tom Schoeniger of the beautiful bikes at and all the many people including Mike Damon, Clive Buckler, Steve Travis, Matt Criste and of course Jim Spillane, etc, who all sounded in with their loving guidance. The rim will have to be replaced before I leave in 88 days time but at least now I can train on it once again!!
So much excitement. So little time to tell you everything....