Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2010 Mayors' Ride May Start 7/3 in San Jose

The car the crashed into my Eagle  on April 29, has not only caused us to have to change our start date, but we may be changing our start city as well. On Friday,  I had a long talk at the City sanctioned concert that preceded the many thousands strong San Jose Bike Party  that started from it  with San Jose Transportation Director Hans Larsen. A zealous cyclist, he and I talked about all the great things that are happening for San Jose cyclists. And that they plan to see 15% of the trips people take there to be done on a bike in 30 years time. And because his city sees the importance of the bicycle as a part of the transportation mix, they have a very  good relationship with the San Jose Bike Party.

           Hans Rode the Bike Party with us!!

We also touched on the rich bicycle  history San Jose has enjoyed. With its superb weather, San Jose's bike roots go back to the turn of the century with racing teams, velodromes  and associated culture and continues even to this day with some of the biggest names in bike manufacturing having started  in San Jose or still calling it home.

With that in mind, and with its almost 200 miles of bikeways, on Saturday, July 3rd, we may be starting the 2010  Mayors' Ride with  a ride from there to Palo Alto, the home of our National Bicycle Greenway  and arguably one of the top bike cities in the USA 

Do stay tuned!!

brw: The Eagle is still hobbling along as I wade thru the insurance waters that will result in a cross country worthy machine once again!!

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