Thursday, December 31, 2009
Strength is a matter of the made-up mind. ~ John Beecherv
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old - unknown
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Lori Yung HIts Home Run for NBG - 2010 Schedule Now Here!!
This time, I had been trying to get our schedule on line since a few days before Xmas. And each time what I saw on my screen ended up being different from what my server was showing the world. The heart of my whole 2010 SF to Boston ride, I couldn't even circulate it for any of the Mayors or city bike activists to approve bcuz it was such a mess.
But today Lori was all over it. And in no time she found stray Google Analytics code (it had carried over from the 2009 schedule that I thought I was just updating) that I missed as well as some nested tables that had gotten corrupted..........
I was beginning to feel like I was letting people down as I was spending so much time with this and not on the bus build out or on my Eagle wheel. But we now have a schedule THX to Lori. Indeed this woman has a huge huge heart up there in Sacramento. So drop by her FB page noted above and tell her THX!!
THX for being my friend all these years later Lori! WoW and I am alive again!!
TOO exciting!! Yahooo Go to I know U will see why I am so excited and how huge our upcoming ride is going to be!!
THX 4 all of U!
Success is a ladder you cannot climb with your hands in your pockets. ~ American Proverb
Monday, December 28, 2009
"Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow."— Thorton Wilder
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Feed your mind healthy ideas or
Feed your mind healthy ideas or the world will feed you negative ideas that will manifest in your life.~Rev. Ike From Affirmations to HiWheel the US by - |
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
To have peace, give peace. To be happy, make happy. To feel loved, love.........
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
2101 SF to Boston Bus at Home (page)
"Think lovingly, speak lovingly, act lovingly, and every need shall be supplied."- James Allen
Monday, December 21, 2009
Bus Architect accepts Wood Craftsman's services
Repost - Better picture of Rice Cooker Bike
Drop the idea of becoming someone, because u are already a masterpiece and...
From Affirmations to HiWheel the US by -
Sunday, December 20, 2009
2010 SF to Boston Flyer Updated

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
Teddy, a read deal cyclist dies (was Re: [sfbike] Re: [SVBC Penninsula] bike fatality Hillsdale KCBS)
Post to GMC Bus Nits - I just joined...........
Does anyone here know how we (the nonprofit Nat Bicycle Greenway) can access a wiring diagram for this bus? An owner's manual?
At any rate, the batteries are all new and we were wondering if we could safely run a lap top off one of the batteries if we start the bus and run it for 30 mins every 3 days? How about a desktop computer with higher wattage demands? Can we run that safely off one of the batteries and still be able to start it?
THX 4 all of U!!
Martin Krieg "Awake Again" Author
'79 & '86 TransAmerica Bike Rides
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death Survivor
2010 w/"How America Can Bike & Grow Rich"
NBG Founding Director, HiWheel Cyclist
Friday, December 18, 2009
Strategy Change - Eagle HiWheel Parts sent to Spillane
Instant Picnic!
Sent from my iPhone
Martin Krieg
"Awake Again" Author
'79 & '86 TransCon cyclist
2010 on Eagle w/Busycle & Book
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death
Survivor. NBG Founding Director
HiWheel Cyclist
Cooking br rice w/my generator
Sent from my iPhone
Martin Krieg
"Awake Again" Author
'79 & '86 TransCon cyclist
2010 on Eagle w/Busycle & Book
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death
Survivor. NBG Founding Director
HiWheel Cyclist
“When you become certain that nothing is impossible for you, you will attain everything you desire.” - Wayne Dyer
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Video of how we foresee the outside of the SF to Boston Bus

"Control your destiny or somebody else will."-Jack Welsh
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The world is not yet exhausted; let me see something tomorrow which I never saw before. -Samuel Johnson
From Affirmations to HiWheel the US by -
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have." - Louis E. Boone
Monday, December 14, 2009
“The more you know the less you need to say.” Jim Rohn
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ron Bishop Supercharges SF to Boston Bus
Perfect love drives out fear - John 4:18
Martin Krieg "Awake Again" Author
'79 & '86 TransAmerica Bike Rides
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death Survivor
2010 w/"How America Can Bike & Grow Rich"
NBG Founding Director, HiWheel Cyclist
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tom Shoeniger of 4130inc Bikes Ressurets Broken 1891 Eagle
Storage Lot Probabilities for our SF to Boston Bus
Friday, December 11, 2009
Rare Hypercycle Recumbent for sale ($350!!)
Martin Krieg
Christopher Reeve on Dreams
Peter W & Re: bike frame bunk bed (For 2010 SF to Boston Bus)

WoW John!!I just got hooked up here at the library. Too fascinating. Do U have any way of labeling your picture so we can see what does what?And I know Peter Wagner, the guy who designed the Eagle rack, knows how we can build beds out of bike frames. Peter??THX 4 U!!On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:27 PM, John Oleary <> wrote:
Thursday, December 10, 2009
"Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ride Needed to Esteemed Frame Builders Haven
Plus it would give you a chance to see one of the top frame builders in America in the work environment he has designed so that each bike he carefully crafts is the product of a consciously directed meditation .In case you missed it, here are a couple samples of his work that can be found at his web:
The Architect Driving the NBG Bus Build Out
- Who is Ron Bishop?
From - Hale from South Carolina
- Father of two young women
- Vietnam Veteran
- UC Berkeley Grad in Env. Design/Architecture 1981
- Very involved in energy efficiency, permaculture and green aspects of building.
- Contracted as space planner for AT&T Western Region 10 years
- Berkeley Unified School District Architect 5 years.
- Sacramento Regional Transit architect for extension to Folsom
- I became green in 1976 and continue to strive to produce projects that are energy efficient.
- Sierra Club Northern Alameda County Executive Committee in 2007
- co-founder Regional Urban Design Forum Committee of the American Institute of Architects - East Bay [AIAEB].
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission Pedestrian Safety Committee,
- East Bay Bicycle Coalition [EBBC]
- Oakland Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee [BPAC]
- Oakland Measure DD Committee
- League Certified Instructor [LCI] of bicycle safety for the League of American Bicyclist [LAB].Post
As within so without c/o Emerson
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Attn Bike Racers - The Pitfalls of Seriousness
Perfect love drives out fear - John 4:18
Martin Krieg "Awake Again" Author
'79 & '86 TransAmerica Bike Rides
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death Survivor
2010 w/"How America Can Bike & Grow Rich"
NBG Founding Director, HiWheel Cyclist
Finally - Pedal Powered Cellphones!!
Will laptops be next?
How exciting!!
The regular way of producing light in a bike is by using a dynamo that is attached to one of the wheels. This dynamo is able to provide enough electricity to power a small bulb that illuminates our path.
Well, the same principle used by a dynamo that generates electricity is now taken by Dahon (the world’s largest manufacturer of folding bikes), to create a new device that allows users to recharge electronic gadgets while they are riding a bike. The device is attached to the dynamo and its name is “BioLogic FreeCharge”.
It has a battery that is charged with the power supplied from the dynamo. Then, you can recharge your gadgets by connecting them to the BioLogic FreeCharge and using a USB connector that comes with this device.
According to Dahon, the BioLogic FreeCharge will be available for sale in the first quarter of 2010 and will cost $99.
We guess this charger will be useful to those who usually use a bike as one of their regular means of transport because it will provide an easy way to keep some personal gadgets charged (for example: cell phones and MP3 players)
'79 & '86 TransAmerica Bike Rides
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death Survivor
2010 w/"How America Can Bike & Grow Rich"
NBG Founding Director, HiWheel Cyclist
Monday, December 7, 2009
Forty One Thirty Inc, Tom Schoeniger to Repair Eagle for NBG!
“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” - Jim Rohn
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Satchel Paige on Overcoming the Odds
Superstar & First black baseball pitcher
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I"Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." Lance Armstrong
Martin Krieg
"Awake Again" Author
'79 & '86 TransCon cyclist
2010 on Eagle w/Busycle & Book
Coma, Paralysis, Clinical Death
Survivor. NBG Founding Director
HiWheel Cyclist